Referral From A Podiatrist in Dublin

Dear David

My brother Andrew, who is now 38 years old had a very serious accident in 2007 when he was propelled from a ladder and landed on both his feet from a  great height and broke nearly every bone in both ankles and Tib and Fib.  As you can see from his X-ray he had extensive surgery on both legs over several days and they managed to save both feet and eventually he learnt to walk again. All was good up until about six months ago when he developed an ulcer on one ankle and is finding the pain and stiffness harder to deal with.

He had x rays taken last week which showed severe degenerative changes in both ankles and is awaiting an MRI scan and an appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon.

I feel at this stage there is very little an orthopaedic surgeon can do for him particularly with his poor circulation and considering his age we are concerned what the future holds for him.

I was very interested in all you said about the rocker device and feel that Andrew could benefit greatly from it. Do you treat patients from the South or do you only treat patient’s referrals from the North?

As you can imagine we are all very concerned about him and I would appreciate any advice you could give us.

Yours Sincerely


Review letter 

Dear David

Thank you for seeing my brother so quickly. The rockers you provided have proved invaluable. He is experiencing greatly reduced pain in both ankles and is able to walk for much greater distances. He particularly likes being able to walk with a normal heel strike as he was very self-conscious about walking on his toes. I will keep in touch regarding any further developments. Thanks again for all your help and good luck developing the rocker.

Yours in appreciation


The videos above show the extent of Andrew dysfunction and the results gained from use of the rocker device.