In April of 2023 I fractured a bone in my foot, this gradually resolved over the next 10 months, I then suffered a stress fracture of my left foot in 2024. Having always been exceptionally active this had a significant impact on my on my quality of life. I had to think about and plan every activity in order to avoid stressing my foot. I was completely unable to do any recreational walking. I got orthotics from the NHS but these didn’t help.
I googled the Northern Ireland Foot and Ankle Clinic and read their testimonials which were very impressive. By this time, I was at the end of my tether with the pain. I was assessed by David Hallowell and he pointed out what he thought was the problem. He also took a set of casts for a set of custom orthoses.
As soon as I started to wear the new orthotics I saw an immediate improvement. I had booked a trip to New York, and I had been considering cancelling due to the pain, but thanks to my new orthotics I was able to go and have an enjoyable break with plenty of walking.
I would recommend the Foot and Ankle Clinic without any hesitation